Sunday, March 2, 2008
Poster Paint
Lead based Paint
Lead Poisoning happens more than you think. 6 May 2004. National Safety Council. 28 February 2008. <>
Friday, February 29, 2008
Pigment Classes
There are four different types of pigments, inorganic, organic, natural, and synthetic. The difference between natural and synthetic pigment is that synthetic pigments are made from raw materials that weren’t already pigments. As well synthetic pigments are chemical reactions, while naturals are refined from native ores or earths and with a little help of physical and chemical treatments they are turned into pigments. An inorganic pigment would be hematite or another type of mineral and an organic pigment is one coming from a vegetable or animal. A pigment coming from an animal is Indian Yellow. It came from the urine of cows that were only fed mango leaves and water. This diet made their urine very bright but unfortunately it also ended the cows’ lives so they had to ban this color from being sold. I mentioned this pigment in one of my earlier post, if you would like to know more organic pigments you can visit that same site.
For more information on this matter try visiting:
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Art by Benton
The Covered Wagon (1944)
This is just a painting by Benton that i myself found ascetically pleasing.
For more artwork by Thomas Hart Benton as well as information visit:
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
American Scene Painting Movement!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Making Egg Tempera Paint. The Society of Tempera Painters. 18 February 2008. <>
A Plethra of Pigments
The paint color i found most interesting would have to be Indian Yellow. It was made from the pee of cows but these cows were only fed mango leaves and water. This made their pee really bright and it also made them die. So they had to stop making this color yet now they found a new way to make this color with gold.
Historical Pigment Hisotry. Golden Artist Colors. 18 February 2008. <>
The pigment RED
Well I know I have never personally thought about it, but I came across how they found traces of red pigments on dead bodies from as late as the Paleolithic period. Red symbolized the meaning of life or its ending. I found this very interesting yet it makes sense. I mean blood is red and I guess that's how it explains it self. Another thing I learned was how they got the red pigment from the mineral hematite. At first I didn't know what hematite was but after a little research I found out that it is Iron [III] Oxide. When crushed in the powder form it looks a blood red color and that’s how they would use it.
The Mineral Hematite. Amethyst Galleries. 18 February 2008. <>